nice.. you should finish it :)
nice.. you should finish it :)
very short!
When i press "play" it sends me to another website
You have to press the play on the right - the other one's an advert mate :)
so he killed his mom?! wtf?!!!
That is exactly what someone asked me when I screened it for the first time. And yes, he killed his mom.
very good
I liked it.
Glad to hear that!
I think you will reach the goal, fuck it's Johnny Rocketfingers!!! I waited a long time for this, i am a big fan :) But why so late did you decide to make JRF 3? And yeah i think you should ask Tom Fulp for help like @dutchiscool said. Good Luck!
5 stars for the description :)
Lol thanks
"tomutwit" is right! Where the hell do you people find your voice actors?!
did the voices my self, no effects, i can go really high or really low
Joined on 6/23/11